Weekly Announcements (2/23/2011)

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We are working hard on the making this year’s golf tournament fundraiser be a success. If you would like to help out, we will be having a meeting tomorrow night before the general body meeting at 6:30 in Daniels 218. We need people to help promote the golf tournament, work on tournament details, and secure corporate sponsors. If you cannot make this meeting, we can also meet during the committee meetings at 7:30. If you have any questions about the golf tournament, please email me (secretary@ewbncsu.org).

BIG Event
We had a lot of volunteers at the Big Event on Monday night! Thanks to everyone who came out to help. (Matt H., Andy, Jeff, Megan, Amanda, Jesse, Ross, Andrew S., Christina, Jake, Kekka, Taylor, and Bryan)

Upcoming Events
We will be having a bowling night next week after the committee meetings (8:30 pm) on Thursday night at The Alley on Hillsborough St. There will be a small fee (approximately $6.00), but it will be a lot of fun and a great time to meet people in other committees. Please mark this date on your calendar, and plan to come!

Registration is still available for the EWB International Conference. Click here for more details.


Nate Klingerman
EWB-USA NC State, Secretary